Chinatown bis
des étalages partout avec des produits plutôt bizarre |
Chinatown known for its business was all sleepy this morning, so we come back there in the late afternoon. And yes it is ike an ant farm.
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Plages de San Francisco
brumeux, plage sur des kms |
Reveil à 8h30 , on laisse nos bagpack au chateau( notre bonne vieile auberge de jeunesse exigu, grasseuse, et desagreable...) on prend la ligne 38 pour arriver àl'autre bout de la ville la côte....devant nous ce n'est plus que l'Ocean pacifique à perte de vue, le temps est brumeux il fait assez froid, mais il y a plein de promeneur, des surfeurs en longeant la côte, on apercoit des pecheurs et bientot le golden gate....
May 26 th
Wake up around 8h30, we let our bagpack at our palace( our old nasty creepy guesthouse) we take the line 38 bus to reach the other side of the city, in front of us is the Pacific ocean for miles and miles, it is foggy, cloudy, it kinda cold, but there is alot of wanderer; surfer on the shore, we see some fisherman and in background the golden gate....
El presidio
et un golf juste à deux pas de San francisco |
While pursuing our walk with ultim goal the golden gate , we go through el presidio , a green lung in San francisco( the golden gate park is the biggest urabn park in the world)
Maison Meditérranéenne
portail en fer forgée |
while we going on, we go through a residential area really not inexpensive......palms, mediterranean house, and kinda palace with view on the pacific ocean and the golden gate...What else???
LE golden Gate
le golden gate envellopé par la brume |
Finally we hit The golde n Gate after a walker of 3 hours, the golden Gate is the symbol of SF , built at the beginning of the XX th century it is a compulsory halt at SF
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tu me fai un peu peur omme ça.tu le refera plus daccord?
Ce n'était pas le grand beau temps !